Hi again! My name is Vadim and I`m from Russia but currently living and working in France, Nantes. In 2014 I finished high-school in my native country, and I prepared to study in university of St.Petersburg to become an architect. But I had a chance to continue my study in France and prepare my BAC in science degree (examen for French students to pursue university studies).
I spend 2 years yet in a high-school learning French. We studied a lot of electronics and maths, in the same time I dived in a world of computer science with simple HTML and CSS. It`s became my passion, I subscribed on a resources like HTML Academy to have access for a more advanced css cources, and I accomplished some of Code Academy lessons.
After 2 years in France, I had to decide where I will go next. In this moment I spent a lot of time on programming, so I decided to left the idea of becoming architect (the higher education for architects was very expensive for me) and push my efforts in what I`m currently loving to do. I succefully graduated and proceeded in a University of Nantes. Now I`m an on my way to become full-stack web developer after passing there 3 years where I created a lot of projects.
The programming isn`t the single thing that I love to do. I spend the most of my school age learning music - piano, guitar (and also drums now), you can see my old covers if you love something like Nirvana on Youtube.
When I was 16 years old, I was mad with photography, I started to buy professional lenses and tried to bring more of art in my life. Now it always stays my hobby, and I do some photos from time to time. You can check out my works here.
Also I love to do travel videos, you can check it on my youtube channel. I'm a big fan of blackmagic cameras rig's.Feel free to contact me. I`m always open to new connections.
I suppose that the last thing to tell about me that I love to travel, you could soon find some of my trips in my blog if you are interested in.
I decided to not pursue a Master`s degree in computer science and to stop my studies with Bachelor`s degree. My type of degree considered 16 weeks internship in a company and constant work after. So after my internship in Capgemini, I'm currently working here as Java Software Developer (2+ years). I worked for big clients like SNCF (developing API used on train stations) and ASP (Common Agricultural Policy helping to finance agriculture industry in France)
In my free time I'm learning new technologies like React Native for mobile dev and working on side projects, I hope to launch my own business one day.
You can see my latest projects here. And my videos here
Initially this web-page would be to become nothing but my portfolio with the most of projects that I did, but after all it`s something more: it`s my projects, my notes about all what I feel important, my life in digit dimension. So feel free to all types of feedback.